Strona: European Defence Challenge - III edition / Lean Academy

European Defence Challenge - III edition

, red. Dorota Stadnicka

European Defence Challenge

Security - threats identification and defence strategies

The ASSETs+ European Defence Challenge (EDC) is an European competition to attract young talent to the Defence industry and to encourage them to initiate a career in defence-related technologies.

We invite students of 1st and 2nd degree studies from all European universities who have an idea how to apply modern technologies to identify threats and protect against threats to participate in the Challenge.

We are talking about threats in the following areas: defence industry, intellectual property theft, military equipment, auxiliary equipment, information flow, data protection, military operations, border surveillance and others, in the context of security and cybersecurity.

The inauguration of the EDC III edition took place on June 15, 2022.

We invite you to watch the VIDEO from the opening.


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