Strona: MAESTRO Project Meeting in Poland / Lean Academy

MAESTRO Project Meeting in Poland

, red. Dorota Stadnicka

In September 1th-2nd, an International Project Meeting was held at the Rzeszów University of Technology in Poland. 

The meeting was organized as part of the MAESTRO project, the main goal of which is to incorporate aspects of sustainable development and Industry 4.0 technologies into the engineering education.

International Project Meeting

Rzeszów University of Technology

Rzeszów, Poland

1-2 September 2022

The meeting participants

In September, an international project meeting was held at the Rzeszów University of Technology in Poland. The main purpose of the meeting was to present the recently developed project results and to discuss further work, including activities disseminating the project results.

On the second day, the participants of the meeting had the pleasure of visiting the factory for MTU Aero Engines Polska, one of the important manufacturers for the aviation industry.

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